Wednesday, January 25, 2006

paul and the areopagus

I have been following the spiritual demise of Brian McLaren, and when I saw who he was working with, remembered a similar Christian leader who seemed to behave in much the same way at times.
If you’re wondering where I read that Paul was working with the Areopagus, a group of "thinkers" and religious philosophers who call themselves after the name of Ares, the pagan god of war, the article can be found here. Paul had been spending his time hanging about unsavory places in Athens and socializing with people who are known to worship idols, practice pagan rituals, and ruminate upon ungodly eastern religions. As a result of Paul’s befriending these unsavory characters, he was invited to one of their exclusive meetings where they discuss and embrace every new thing that comes down the pike while sitting among statues of foreign gods and idols - and he accepted their invitation.
As a result, he is going to be working with and endorsing those whose teachings are contrary to the written revelation of God. If you scroll down the list, you’ll see familiar names like Dionysius and Damaris. Paul is heading to a place of teaching the doctrine of transformation. He has also renounced sacred practices such as circumcision, and thus has watered down the written revelation of God. He taught that circumcision was unnecessary, even a bad idea!; but turned around and circumcised a young believer so as to be "relevant" to the Jews who were living in the area so that they grow their churches.
Recent topics at Areopagus include “Worshipping the Unknown God,” “Pagan Poets,” and, “Reaching out and Finding God.” Not once in his discussion with these pagans, did Paul mention the name Jesus, but instead made veiled and confusing references such as “the man he has appointed.”
Paul’s willingness to attend meetings with pagans and work with them as they study and discuss pagan religions and practices, is further proof at the sorry state of tolerance, inclusive theology, and - in the case of the unknown God - relativistic wishy-washy, flip-flopping of believers today. The article implies that Paul met with these men and women on other occasions during which he dialogued and listened to and even answered their questions concerning his beliefs.

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