Thursday, May 27, 2004

pure of heart

Yesterday, my friend Sid and I, inspired by a blog we'd just read, were discussing a topic that I just keep re-visiting. I've half-blogged several times about this but never got it postable. DP and I attempted to bring it to discussion a couple times. Every time it comes up, instead of getting clearer and more concise, it just seems to loom larger and get more complicated. This attempt will be no different. Because all roads lead to where you are, I am often able to find where I am by following those roads. If you catch me on the road, it can be very difficult to follow where I'm going. This is true of me both literally and metaphorically.
So it's been playing around in my head all day and then tonight I come across another blog that makes the statement I've made a thousand times (but in other words). Purity is single mindedness. Pure of heart, then, means single-minded pursuit of God. Mea, at ignispati says, "i think it is almost impossible for us to truly trust in God, but it is not impossible to truly try continually to trust in God."
"Lord I believe, please help my unbelief."

We so easily give up on the impossible. The consequences permeate our lives. Because I can do nothing toward my own salvation, I become a lousy apprentice. Everyday, I see in my life, the failure to be like Jesus. This will always be, I can never be like Jesus. But I can continually try to be like Jesus. I cannot save myself, but I try until I realize I can't so that I can truly surrender to God's provision. Once He's saved me I can seek Him with all my heart. I'm asked to pursue Him with all my heart. So often though, we realize our inabilities and our weaknesses and just stop pursuing. We become satisfied with crashing at Father's house and never offer to help sort the laundry.
Maybe there's an easy way to say it all – of course I can't trust, believe, attain, but my friend Sid says it's the desire that God sees. The desire allows me to surrender so that He can do His things in my life. God called David "a man after His heart." If you read his biography, it's hard to understand how that applies to this man. But if you read his blog, you begin to see what God saw in David. Desire, longing, pursuit, contrition, single-mindedness.
