Sunday, May 16, 2004

internet free day

With Grad ceremonies this morning and an exquisitely beautiful day, I hardly came in the house, much less got on the internet. I did sit down at the computer in my office for a few minutes after Graduation when I went back there to rid myself of my regalia before riding home. I sat down and posted what I'd written in my PDA during the ceremony. Other than that, I didn't turn on a computer. Instead, I fought traffic home that was still backed up from the tractor-trailor fire. I changed clothes and cut the grass and then went for a very long ride where there was no traffic. I passed an old old man sitting on his porch when I rode down a narrow dirt road in Fairfield county, so I stopped and visited his porch for a while. When I left, he walked me back to my bike and bid me farewell as if I was a long lost friend. I eventually came home and took the remnants of the Fam to Little Mexico for supper. Will had the taco salad, Bing, the numero uno, and I had the Macho Chimichanga.
When we got home, two friends were visiting on my porch. So I went for another ride. Off to the river to enjoy the mist.
So I come in, look at the clock, date changed, and check my email. Practically nothing. Well, there are 5 spam mails. Like me, even the spammers have taken the day off. Then I look at my blog. Saturday, May 15, 2004 is the first day since I started blogging that absolutely no one visited my blog. No stranger, happenstance hits from Russian Federation time zone, or China Coast time, no chance hits from new blogger updates, no blog community hits from my supporting friends. The cyber deck stood empty all day long. I hope you were out enjoying the day like I was.
