Thursday, February 05, 2004

road hog

People who read this blog also read “Darth Vader’s Daughter-in-law”

I wonder if I have a problem with "middle way" terminology. I think there is a difference between "all encompassing" and "compromise" (or moderation). Which issues are ignored to bring us toward the left and which issues bring us toward the right. What about those issues? Are there all that many “either/or” issues? Or is it more a matter of what is important to us? What is our motivation? Politically, if a person is labeled moderate because a particular conservative issue is relatively unimportant to him but I find it of ultimate importance, he will seem very liberal to me. Vice versa.
It’s not that, it’s this. No, it’s not this, it’s that. Well it must be a little of both. Sometimes it’s ALL of both.
Which is more important, your heart or your brain? Physically. Spiritually.
Cisco’s blog points out the danger of community that just hangs out and the danger of completely goal-oriented community. Is the better approach a little of both or all of both? Is the broken white line, or the whole two lanes? Our little community has had some ‘just talking’ times when I came home feeling that I’d been a part of intense corporate prayer. Dave has responded with, “too bad you can’t manufacture that.” We must admit that we’ve set about discussing a specific issue or looking for a specific something that has eluded our efforts. On the other hand, I’ve showed up for lunch before with a specific need that couldn’t be coaxed out of me, but left having had my need met.
So in the context of community, authentic authenticity and vulnerable vulnerability provide for an all encompassing purpose. Comfort, encouragement, fellowship; growth, sharpening, correcting; teaching, empowering, equipping.
It’s our purposes that cause things to be one or the other and short sighted. God’s purposes require us to have the trusted authentic support of those with whom we’ve sat and ‘wasted time’ and have purposefully gathered to meet goals, to seek wisdom and discernment in recognizing His will.
I would like our community to overhang the shoulder on the left and scrape the guard rail on the right and thus cover the broken white line in the middle of the road. Sit around and talk to secure our target, our goal. Organize a board meeting to lock and load.
