Friday, January 14, 2005


I have gone to the gym 3 times this week. But that is not the amazing thing. Really, it's a cause and effect thing and the gymnation is only the cause. (Actually, going to the gym probably has a cause too, but for this discussion we'll stop there) The effect is... I've become awesome. Yes, in only 5 days, I've become awesome. Of course, I'm the only person who knows it. But that doesn't negate my awesomeness. I have told Allison about it, and she says she believes me, but honestly, I don't think she'd have known if I hadn't told her. In fact, Allison is awesome too. I can see it, but she can't. So that makes me think my awesome noticeability is a bit more developed than your average person's. Therefore, just because mine is not noticeable...
That's why I'm telling you now, because I don't think you'll notice on your own. But take my word for it, I have become awesome. Even now, I am typing these words with boxing gloves on my hands. Now you believe me don't you?!
I don't know if this will last. Chances are, next time you see me I won't be awesome anymore. But it really won't make much of a difference, because it wasn't something that was noticeable in the first place. I don't think you'll be saying to yourself, "aw, that's too bad, last week he was really awesome, now look at him."
But I gotta tell you. There is nothing like leaving a couple of lbs at Golds and coming home with a self full of endorphins. Beats the heck out of St. John's Wort.
