Saturday, September 11, 2004

patron saint?

originally a comment to Sungrown Maduro's Johnny Cash Tribute on 11.11.03

As you know, I am proud to say that the first concert I ever attended was Johnny Cash and the Carter Family with Special guest, Carl Perkins. This was in 1973. I was 9 years old, had a guitar and was absolutely infatuated with that sound. My first public performance came the same year in the same venue as I had seen Johnny Cash (Huntington Memorial Field House - then home to the Thundering Herd). I played Johnny Cash. It was all I knew.
So anyway, Patron Saint? I don't know, but he is the reason that I play guitar and that has certainly shaped my life. Forever engraved on my visual memory is that giant with a scar standing there in black with an acoustic guitar - and on my aural memory, "Hi, I'm Johnny Cash, (B B D# D# B F# E)"
I wonder if my parents knew that that expensive extravagance of an evening out would have such a profound impact on my life.
