Monday, July 19, 2004

topographical return

I know, I said that a topographical metaphor wouldn't do for my life. I know, I said that the weather worked better because its changing can be both linear and contemporaneous. The big picture holds the secrets. Yeah yeah yeah. But I wasn't thinking about the big topographical picture. The thing about topography is you've got to experience it one step at a time. But you can still know that you are not experiencing the only terrain there is. I blogged about this the other day in response to Bishop Garlington's talk. Like when Jesus was baptized, He was led into the wilderness. We often use the phrase, in the middle of the wilderness.
Yesterday I saw the middle of the wilderness, but I got to see the middle of the wilderness without having to be in it, from 37,000 ft. That's the big pic ya know. So guess what I saw in the middle of the wilderness. It also spoke to my statement last week that I felt if you are in the sunshine only, you deny the presence of the storm. Had I been on the ground, but a couple miles from that beautiful blue, I would have had no idea what lay just ahead. There in the middle of the blue, one could be amazingly oblivious to the barren nothingness all around. Oh but for the grace of God, I could be out of the blue. While I am in the blue, fragile ecosystems and all but extinct plants wither and die, never to return. For the want of a bucket I could carry from the blue.
Henceforth, I shall embrace both topographical and meteorological wide angle metaphors for my walk and being. Sometimes I'm wet and sometimes dry. Some times saturated, sometimes wrung out. Cool and hot. Sometimes I'm above it all and sometimes I'm standing in it.
