Sunday, July 11, 2004

with an aching in my heart

So we rolled in from Florida at about 12:45 this morning. It took me a while to shake off the road spins and settle down and prepare for church this morning. We left yesterday afternoon at about 2:00 and stopped in St. Augustine to quick-see the nation's oldest European city with the kids. Pretty cool.
Back on the road by 7:00 and well, we got home.
Yesterday, as we were climbing in the car, I got a voice mail from Mom and Sis. They were in SC, looking for us. My cousin Joanne died Thursday night and they were down for the funeral. I'd been asked to sing, but wasn't home to know. You can step out for a moment and everything can change. Play at a wedding and miss singing at a funeral. But the funeral still happens. Sunshine rain. Weather is inevitable.
So it's off now to California. Standing on a hill in my mountain of dreams, telling myself it's not as hard as it seems.
I plan on finding a connection and attempting to blog this week. If the connection doesn't happen, I'll blog in my PDA and bombard you all at once when I return.
