Monday, April 03, 2006


So, if you're devastated that you didn't drive over to HOB on Saturday night to see the two aforementioned bands, and thus fell 7 rungs down the cool ladder and dropped 3 points on the awesome index, you can make up a bit of ground tonight. It is not too late.

MuteMath will be playing here in Columbia tonight at Headliners. (that link skips the hot flash intro. If you'd like to see it, go here) Doors open at 8:00p. Opening the show tonight will be Baumer, (just kidding) whose guitarist was my guitar student back in the day. Yay me. So if through my connections I could get a gig opening for Baumer, who open for MuteMath, who opened for Switchfoot, there would be just 3 degrees of separation from Switchfoot. Wow. I could say that I opened for the band that opened for the band that opened for Switchfoot.

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