Saturday, May 21, 2005

under the three-quarter moon

Will went to a friend's house to play after school today and Jack got a call to spend the night and go see Star Wars with his friend. Molly had a dress rehearsal downtown for Sunday's recital. Will called and asked if he could just stay at his friend's house. The rain was scheduled to move out by 9, but it left around 6. So I jumped on the bike and took provisions for the night to Will and just kept going.
The night is exquisite. After the rain, the sky is cleansed and crystal clear. The moon is extra bright and crisp. The air is cool, even nippy, and there are patches of fog everywhere. The scent of honeysuckle is just hovering 5 feet above the ground. The bike feels exponentially more free on a night like this. The sky is higher for more headroom. The cool air hightens the senses. The bright moon illuminates the fields beside the road. With the fog, you actually see the air move around you. Speed and freedom. The honeysuckle assaults your face as you rip through the night with 1100 cubic centimeters of symphonic happiness. The road rises up to meet you like it is your only destination.
Anyone on a motorcycle tonight with an olfactory sense knows why this is called the flower moon.
