Saturday, April 09, 2005


I gave a talk today to about 40 high school students mixed with 8 or 10 college folks. It was seminar as part of a conference for HS students that the college student life people put on every year. Supposedly about 400 students attend the conference.
My topic was Religion and Relationship. My title was "Escape the Trap of Morality." I thought the title might scare everyone away, but the room was filled. I think I felt like I imagine some college professors feel when they stand in front of a classroom of 20 year-olds without a clue as to who these people are, what they need, what they struggle with, what their lives are like. Here I was in front of a bunch of 17 year-olds, wondering if I too was way off the mark in my assumptions.
What kind of high school kid spends his weekend at a conference anyway? So I figure I know a bit about their backgrounds, family culture, church culture, probably even beliefs. Maybe not. I wondered if I'd see the group sit there rolling their eyes because this stuff was so far beneath or behind them, or if I would see a group with shocked faces to hear some heretic say that neither Christianity nor the Gospel was supposed to be about avoiding things. Actually I saw a mixture of caution, concern, ahahs, and of courses. Even a few sighs of relief. I'd written a rather lengthy parable to tell them to get the whole thing started and it was like magic watching the look of recognition spread across the room as they started to realize what I was talking about.
I'd brought my guitar to sing for them Switchfoot's "On Fire" as a closing word, but I ran out of time. A handful of students hung around to chat and hear more afterward, and I finally Switchfooted for them.
It was a great experience for me I think, one I wouldn't mind repeating.
Next week, I have to do the same thing for a college group as a set of break-out sessions. I'll be giving the same talk 5 times. I haven't chosen a topic yet, so no scary title at this time.
