Thursday, September 16, 2004

renew my strength

There are many reasons that one might find himself facing more than he might be able to accomplish. Of course the likely question is, "haven't you learned how to say no?" In fact, there are items on the agenda that could have been refused. But most are things about which there is no choice.
Ironically, the activities and responsibilities to which he could have said no, are precisely the things that he wishes to do. Tent making is a necessity. It is necessary to provide the means by which the wishes can be accomplished. But by providing the means for the wishes, one has depleted the time needed for them.
Because the extra-vocational is the crux of the current calling, it must be done anyway. And so while others are sleeping, or eating, watching survivor or playing golf, he is planning, preparing, praying, practicing, and palpitating. Listening to the clock ding, sneaking glances at the moon, having a pity party.
I'm tired.

keep silent and wait on the word of the Lord
