Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Insatiable Longing Part 2.0 or... The Esther Project cont...

I know that I’ve been accused of being esoteric on more than one occasion, and probably too often, my response has been, “he who has ears…” Well here is one of those times.
Today I responded to Greg’s Johnny Cash Tribute and had a flood of memories while writing. As is my custom, they related immediately to the things I am thinking at the moment. It occurred to me that the magic moment that stands out in my memory so vividly, the inception of the earthly path on which I still travel 30 years later is centered upon a scar and a perfect authentic cadence.
PAC. That most closed of tonal closure, that most satisfying of tension relieving progressions, the most final of final cadences birthed in me the path that my earthly life would take. I don’t know what phrase was closed by that cadence. In fact, it is an introduction; there is nothing before it unless you really want to get musically philosophical… Ok, I do. The intro to the song is in fact the end, it’s the beginning and the end. It provides organic unity. An anacrusis gets taken from the end of a piece. Something came before, but its not a part of our experience, we’re inserted here, at this point to ride it out. The point is, as Gandalf says, what you choose to do with the time that you’ve been given.
My choice came at that symbolic final cadence that started my life on a path. The overwhelming draw of the song intensified by the scar that evidenced the authenticity of the experience of the singer. Millions would respond to this man who spoke their language, who understood their struggle, who overcame his own struggle. He WAS incarnation. The final cadence as inception for a pursuit.

©2003 rod lewis
