Friday, August 03, 2012

Be My Path, Be My Guide (day 7)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Honey Rock Camp, Three Lakes, WI
84,020 (367) (1,288)

I missed a turn on my way to Honey Rock Camp this evening. The inadvertent detour put me about 30 miles east and I have no doubt, brought me through much more fascinating roads than I would have otherwise experienced. Tremendously fun riding meandering between lakes and through beautiful countryside.
Eventually, I found my way to Honey Rock, where the Edgars AND the Walkers were waiting for me to go out to dinner. I was surprised to find the Walkers there, but Shannon was acting as camp nurse for the week, and so we all gathered and went out.
On Thursday, Chip toured me about the place on foot and I decided to spend another night before riding north. I sat on the dock most of the day, and Chip sat with me for quite a bit of it. We had great conversation and shared joys, stresses, worries and anxieties while we watched eagles and osprey play and dive.
It was Parents’ Night at the camp, so they had a free dinner and ski show. After, the camp pastor and his wife came over for a bit, and we all sat about talking.
I sat for both nights on the dock in the chilly air watching the milkyway. It was a good visit.

