Thursday, August 25, 2005

all ranted out

tonight after little church at Salmon Springs, the three of us guys who do not live at the church walked out into the yard to our respective vehicles and began solving the problems of the milkyway, while standing directly under it. The night is gorgeous.
Once all the problems had been solved and a plan of action put into place, we climbed in our trucks and headed home.
I drove directly east toward the rising half moon and wondered at its beauty. Some simple metaphoric thoughts played in my head as I admired its misty beauty. There is a line drawn from 10 to 4 on its clockface, below which is lit, and above which is black. The whole thing is set in a mist that brings out a depth that is only imagined at 250k miles away.
As I drove, I thought about how it not only reflects the light of the true light source, but to those of us in the dark, it actually points to where the light is. So tonight, if one were to draw a line from the 7 outward, the line would bisect the sun on the other side of the earth. Its a sort of reflective compass pointing the way to morning.
Anyway, it also occurred to me that I'd just conversed for hours with the very friend who least appreciates my moon affair, and upon leaving him, I began waxing philosophical about it. Ironic, huh?
So I decided to keep my simple philosophical lunar thoughts to myself. So please disregard everything I just said.
