Wednesday, August 24, 2005

what's it all about?

Well this week really blindsided me. We started official faculty business last Thursday with two days of university faculty workshops. I started the morning on Friday, as I've already blogged, with 30 minutes of worship. This required a lot of last week for me.
This week began with a full day Monday of College faculty workshop. Tuesday found me fielding tons of questions from new orienting students who were gung ho and a day early in seeking answers to schedule and course questions - until 6:30 last night.
Bright and early this morning, when I had sat down to enjoy a liesurely cup of Sumatra and a bowl of Wheaties®, and check my email, I discovered that I was 15 minutes late to onslaught of new student advising and registration.
I jumped in my car and sped off into the interstate parking lot of morning rush hour, phoned ahead to apologize to those waiting for me, and arrived to find students lined down the hallway to receive my questionable schedule advice. I saw them one after another until 12:30, at which time I began to review my dean's evaluation of my performance last year for our meeting at 1:30. I composed a page and half of material that I wanted to discuss with him and rushed off just in time to be prompt for my performance appraisal discussion meeting. It went exceedingly well, and I left feeling wanted, appreciated, and duly stroked.
I rushed back to my office to find the piano tuner had taken over, so I headed to the student center to work on Sunday's service a day late. On the way there, I passed a colleague who apprised me of Sunday's sermonizer and sermon content, which immediately brought to mind the music that I should use, so I rushed off to find a soft chair and organize it.
Upon completion of this task, returning students who had been looking for me, had discovered via my admin assistant where I was hiding out and descended upon me at once. I logged onto the student network via wifi and squelched their registration crises and sat and chatted in the easy chairs for some time, before I had to rush off to church to grab charts and prepare for rehearsal. During the return drive through the interstate parking lot of evening rush hour, it occurred to me that one forgets during the summer, what makes his job worth doing. I spend the second half of the summer dreading for school to start - right up to the minute. Right through the pre-semester faculty workshops. Then I walk onto campus, encounter a student and my heart melts and I embrace my job with excitement. Ah, students. Here's to you, our reason for being here. You have so much to teach me.
I arrived at church, organized the music, and realized I didn't have a guitar. So I rushed home, grabbed an ax, rushed back, rehearsed my peeps, rushed home again, changed clothes, rushed to the gym, sweated, grabbed a couple cups of joe from B&N, rushed home in time to find Al still barely awake, and conversed with her upon the deck until midnight under the rising half-cornmoon.
She wandered off to bed to prepare for her beginning of semester teaching first encounter to take place at 7:30 this am.
Thus concludes the summer. Thus begins the '05-'06 academic year. The corn moon is waning. The harvest moon is waiting. Pray for workers.
