Wednesday, December 01, 2004

highly irregular

I've accidentally discovered a way to find out who's reading your blog. Don't post for five days. Obviously, this method, if abused, could result in a loss of reading friends, but it seems that 5 days is just enough to make all the lurkers come out of the woodwork and ask, "hey, why haven't you been posting?" Mom even called last night to ask if I was ok. So the answer to all the questions is yes, I’m ok. It's been a crazy week. Having taken the time to run away for thanksgiving to be with my peeps meant that I wasn't preparing for this week, and thus started the week behind in my prep. When we got home Saturday evening, Allison went to work and I had to work hard to get ready for Sunday morning and the arrival of houseguests Sunday afternoon. We had an incredibly wonderful Sunday and Monday with our guests and then I had to scramble to be ready for classes on Tuesday and then classes and rehearsal on Wednesday. That's the short version of the missing five days. Nonetheless, I HAVE written some, and thought MUCH, it's just not yet ready for prime time. I want to tell you about our time with our guests. It's coming. But I'm still playing catch-up.
So bear with me, as if my silence and lack of rambling actually mattered, and I'll be back to clicking away forthwith
