Friday, November 19, 2004

be careful little mouth

If you've read my blog at all, you'll know that one of my greatest pet peeves is being identified by something that you aren't or that you don't do. I camped there in blog land back in the fall. I try with all my might to find identity in what it is rather than in what it's not. So everything I plan and create, attempts to be something rather than avoid something. Who wants to stoop to being an alternative?
I spent the night last night preparing for a 25 minute set for today, in which I desire to move and motivate - to cause specific thoughts and outcomes. As I was creating visuals for it, I tossed a few images that I thought might not go over too well, despite the fact that the same element that was questionable was also what helped them make the point so strongly. Of course that's just me foreguessing. But experience has shown these things to be true. Words on slides, blurbs between songs, etc. None a big deal, but evidently over time they pile up and cause one to have a list of things to avoid saying, showing, singing, etc.
So this morning, somewhere between alarm 1 and alarm 2, I found myself dreaming that I was the curator of what not to do, the keeper of the avoided. A censor? But it was more than that. I was actually a storage facility in my dream. People would bring these things to me. More than a watchdog, I somehow incorporated these things and became known as the guy who doesn't and isn't. But that, evidently, was a good thing! It was a real nightmare. If you ever notice that I've become this person, please rob my warehouse and steal all those things. I want to be a guy who makes people think rather than a guy who never torques anyone off. Here I go. Off to do one or the other.
