Sunday, August 08, 2004

two fine days

The first week of August finds the South Carolinian unable to recall the feeling of the crisp air of evening and a clear sky. Though the return of such is barely more than a month away, our memory of the future is even less reliable than our memory of the past and it has been long hot months since even midnight has brought anything but stifling humidity coupled with 90 degree heat. In fact, the middle of last week brought daily thunderstorms to break the 100+ degree afternoons.
Enter the rare gift. After a nasty hot day on Thursday, a brief windy period in the evening ushered in cooler temperatures that have survived the weekend. I’m talking-long-sleeve-bike-rides, cut-the-grass-in-the-middle-of-the-day, sleep-with-the-windows-open kind of days. Bright blue skies and friendly sunshine. The air is like switching from rabbit ears to digital cable. Everything is sharp and clear and vivid. Today was only slightly less than yesterday and there have been three equal nights with lots of stars and plenty of meteors.
As always, for those who are willing to notice, the Holy Spirit is thicker than the normal humidity, and I have been immersed in an interactive divine conversation for a week. I really feel like I’m being taught, am being given small doses of insight and understanding. Clearing skies, clearing mind, clearing heart. There is nothing like an evening breeze as it goes where it wants, carrying on its breath the fragrance of life and the exhalation of the day - to sit and feel it and wonder from whence it comes. To give up trying to figure it out, and simply rest in the peace it brings. Trust.
