Monday, June 07, 2004

my mistress' eyes

As you know, the moon does not have light of its own. It merely reflects the light of the sun upon the dark side of the earth. When the moon is on the sunny side of the earth it is barely visible, and then only in the evening. The sun itself shines so brightly that a body simply reflecting its light is outshone. Those in the light will see only the source of the light.
But on the dark side of the earth, the moon, reflecting the light of the sun, is quite bright and noticeable. This reflected light is enough to illuminate dark paths and traditionally has piqued the interest of those curious enough to seek the source of the second-hand light of the moon. "Eerie" creatures are particular troubled by its light. Coyotes and wolves howl, some mental hospital residents become restless and disturbed. Those who feel more comfortable in the dark are made uncomfortable even by the reflected light.
In early autumn, the full moon illuminates the fields so much that farmers have dubbed it "harvest moon" because they are able to continue working by its light late into the night as they race to harvest while the fields are still white.
