Tuesday, February 17, 2004

dear diary,

these are the goings on and how they keep other goings on from going on.
Never since I started blogging have I had so much I wanted to say, and absolutely no time to sit down and write it. This week is killer. I did set aside a bit of time tonight to finish Willard chapter 4. I sat down at the kitchen table across from Allison with a cup of coffee and got carried away telling her about chapter 3. I ended up re-reading that chapter, mostly aloud to her, rather than finishing chapter 4.
I spent MOST of the night last night preparing for Chapel this morning. I lead worship in a wonderfully integrated service. Of course, there is always going to be more or less response according to preferred style and presentation (sometimes more than content and quality), but I much enjoyed being a part of something that was thought through, prayed over and planned start to finish. This morning’s chapel popped up in conversation all day simply because it was obviously intentional.
After chapel, quick lunch and then continuous teaching until 5:30. Home, supper, kitchen cleanup, kiss the kids, read Willard to Allison, up the stairs to work on this weekend’s church stuff and tomorrow night’s rehearsal. Oh yeah, I’ve got a stack of papers to grade. It’s late and I’ve heard the clock strike 3:00a two nights in a row.
It sounds like I’m complaining, but really I’m not. Just voicing life as of late.
No day is different. Tomorrow straight from work to church. I’ve got a job and a church that matter to me. Give thanks with a grateful heart. Remind me.
I’m going to go lie down in bed and feel God in the atmosphere all around me.
Goodnight people everywhere. Goodnight moon.
