Sunday, March 13, 2005

waxing worm moon

she may not look like much to you, showing only 6% of her face, but give her time, in a couple weeks she'll be completely unveiled and her bright smile will light up the night. Each month, she brings promise and is named accordingly. This month, she's called the worm moon because the ground thaws and the rains increase so that the earthworms surface and aerate the soil for spring planting and provide food for the Robins as they follow spring Northward.
Yes, she is fickle, but she always comes around. And this month she brings with her, warm breezes and daffadils. Surely there is a connection of which she's aware, between warm breezes and prepared soil. That's why she's smiling. It is not a teasing smile, which I have erroneously perceived while gazing at her with a heavy heart. Once, I even thought she was laughing at me, her eyes seemed so cold and uncaring. But tonight her smile is as warm as the breeze across the dam as she sets on the west side of the lake. Tonight she whispers promises. Promises of sprouts and buds and blossoms and the return of Venus to the evening sky.
