Monday, April 25, 2005


Have you ever been told something in confidence? Someone shares something with you from the very depths of their being. Heart is laid out for you to know, and you are sworn to secrecy. A breech of this trust would ruin a relationship and damage a soul.
I believe that God reveals of Himself to us in confidence. No, I don't think it is stuff that he wants no one else to know, but it is stuff that can't be learned from another human being.
He has shared things about himself to me in this way. He didn't actually ask me not to tell anyone, but he told me in a language that can't be translated to speech or writing. I've tried, it can't be done. Others have tried, many, they too, failed.
Our attempts have fallen so short that we've created a God that behaves just the way we want Him to. When we describe this God to someone who wants Him to behave differently, they toss the whole idea aside. We feel they've rejected Him when really, they've just rejected the god that we've created and are pushed a little further from ever knowing Him themselves.
We have long since forgotten how to invite someone to get to know God. Instead, we box Him up, define Him, and try to sell Him like an infomercial.
I think God already gave us everything that could be translated into speech and writing. It's the deeper understanding, the focused bigger picture that he gives those in relationship with him. That is the nature of what is whispered into our souls when we speak to him. When we look up and groan in the vernacular, he whispers back in some wind-language that can't be spoken or written. It's a warm breath that carries meaning to where none could be found, a gentle breeze that finds the cracks in the walls we've constructed, and creates a draft that gently opens doors that have long closed off parts of us we've forgotten existed - the parts of us that understand language that can't be spoken or written.
