Monday, February 07, 2005

who am i?

Melded reality
Simultaneous confusion
Each must be embraced separately
Experienced simultaneously
Surrendered completely.

Utter vulnerability comes at this moment
in every aspect of one's person.
Body, Mind, Spirit.

It is here that we exist -the eternal caged by the temporal;
The natural man and the spiritual man
living together in an earthsuit
that knows only the immediate,
that responds to anything it is told-
That is damaged by lies of the mind and emotion;
That damages the mind and controls emotion with lies that
it's damage is permanent,
even to the spirit.

Who lies to the body to try and steal it from mind and spirit?
Who lies to the mind that the body is of no consequence?
decaying clay and water?
But was it, too, not animated with the breath of God?
But the spirit can know that all is redeemable.

Melded reality.
Simultaneous confusion.
Spirit redeemed,
Mind transformed
Body cleaned.
Completely surrendered.
